`(kakko ,man)

Find a guide into tomorrow by taking lessons from the past

cl-glut pre-study <page 3>


;; lesson1 <Open the window>
;; lesson2 <Fill in the blue>
;; lesson3 <Draw the lines>
;; lesson4 <Put the color lines>
;; lesson5 <Set polygon and several colors>
;; lesson6 <Reshape >
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Set window class
(defclass Window (glut:window) 
   :mode '(:rgba)))

;; Init
(defmethod glut:display-window :before ((window Window))
  (gl:clear-color 1 1 1 1))                  ; set white

;; View port
(defmethod glut:reshape ((window Window) width height)
  (gl:viewport 0 0 width height)
  (gl:ortho (- (/ width 200)) (/ width 200) (- (/ height 200)) (/ height 200) -1 1))

;; Display
(defmethod glut:display ((window Window))
  (gl:clear :color-buffer-bit)               ; clear buffer
  ; draw a square
  (gl:begin :polygon)
    ; set red color 
    (%gl:color-3d 1 0 0)
    (%gl:vertex-2d -0.9 -0.9)
    ; set green color 
    (%gl:color-3d 0 1 0)
    (%gl:vertex-2d 0.9 -0.9)
    ; set blue color 
    (%gl:color-3d 0 0 1)
    (%gl:vertex-2d 0.9 0.9)
    ; set yellow color 
    (%gl:color-3d 1 1 0)
    (%gl:vertex-2d -0.9 0.9)
  (gl:flush))                                ; show window

;; Main
(defun lesson6 ()
  (glut:display-window (make-instance 'Window)))  ; create window




;; lesson1 <Open the window>
;; lesson2 <Fill in the blue>
;; lesson3 <Draw the lines>
;; lesson4 <Put the color lines>
;; lesson5 <Set polygon and several colors>
;; lesson6 <Reshape >
;; lesson7 <Window size and position>
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Set window class
(defclass Window (glut:window) 
   :width 320 :height 240 :pos-x 100 :pos-y 100
   :mode '(:rgba) :title "test-window"))

;; Init
(defmethod glut:display-window :before ((window Window))
  (gl:clear-color 1 1 1 1))                  ; set white

;; View port
(defmethod glut:reshape ((window Window) width height)
  (gl:viewport 0 0 width height)
  (gl:ortho (- (/ width 200)) (/ width 200) (- (/ height 200)) (/ height 200) -1 1))

;; Display
(defmethod glut:display ((window Window))
  (gl:clear :color-buffer-bit)               ; clear buffer
  ; draw a square
  (gl:begin :polygon)
    ; set red color 
    (%gl:color-3d 1 0 0)
    (%gl:vertex-2d -0.9 -0.9)
    ; set green color 
    (%gl:color-3d 0 1 0)
    (%gl:vertex-2d 0.9 -0.9)
    ; set blue color 
    (%gl:color-3d 0 0 1)
    (%gl:vertex-2d 0.9 0.9)
    ; set yellow color 
    (%gl:color-3d 1 1 0)
    (%gl:vertex-2d -0.9 0.9)
  (gl:flush))                                ; show window

;; Main
(defun lesson7 ()
  (glut:display-window (make-instance 'Window)))  ; create window




H27.11.3 修正
