`(kakko ,man)

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Lisp Game Programming 2 <Stage 8>

オプション → 取ると、自分の周りを回転するバルーンが1個ずつ増え、最大は2個まで。
ボム    → 左下のボムマークが増えていき、ボム(爆弾を爆発させる)回数がボムマ


⇒ ab-stage8.lispの一部

;; Step8 <Move Balloon>
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun degree-radian (degree)                       ; convert from radian to degree
  (/ (* degree pi) 180))                            ; degree -> radian

(defvar *angle* 0)

(defgeneric Move-balloon (balloon-manager ship))
(defmethod Move-balloon (balloon-manager ship)
  (when (or (= (state ship) 1)
            (= (state ship) 3))    
    (when (> *angle* 360)
      (setf *angle* 0))
    (incf *angle* 4)
    (when (<= *angle* 360)
      (let ((i (balloon-cnt balloon-manager))) 
        (dolist (balloon (balloon-list balloon-manager))                   
          (if (= i 2)            ; 48 is distance from left balloon to right balloon
            (setf (x balloon) (+ (x ship) (floor (* (cos (degree-radian *angle*)) 48)))
                  (y balloon) (+ (y ship) (floor (* (sin (degree-radian *angle*)) 48))))
            (setf (x balloon) (- (x ship) (floor (* (cos (degree-radian *angle*)) 48)))
                  (y balloon) (- (y ship) (floor (* (sin (degree-radian *angle*)) 48)))))
          (decf i 1))))))

;; Step8 <Generate Balloon>
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
(defgeneric Generate-balloon (balloon-manager ship))
(defmethod Generate-balloon (balloon-manager ship)
  "balloon appear position set"
  (when (and (/= (balloon-cnt balloon-manager) 0)
             (< (length (balloon-list balloon-manager)) 2)) ; max 2 balloon   
    (dotimes (i (balloon-cnt balloon-manager))
      (let ((balloon (make-instance 'entity :id 10 :state 1)))
           (if (= i 0)
             (setf (x balloon) (- (x ship) 48)) 
           (setf (x balloon) (+ (x ship) 48)))          
           (setf (y balloon) (y ship))
           (push balloon (balloon-list balloon-manager))))))

;; step8 <Draw Balloon>
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defgeneric Draw-balloon (balloon-manager ship))
(defmethod Draw-balloon (balloon-manager ship)
  (when (and (or (/= (state ship) 1)
                     (state ship) 3) 
             (/= (balloon-cnt balloon-manager) 0))
    (dolist (balloon (balloon-list balloon-manager))
      (Draw balloon))))

;; Step8 <Move Item>
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
(defgeneric Move-item (item-manager game-field))
(defmethod Move-item (item-manager game-field)
  "item move"
  (dolist (item (item-list item-manager))               
    (when (= (state item) 1)                       ; option-item is alive
      (incf (y item) (dy item)))                   ; option-item 16 dot down 
    (when (> (y item) (height game-field))         ; out of screen 
      (setf (state item) 0))))

;; Step8 <Remove Item>
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      
(defgeneric Remove-item (item-manager))
(defmethod Remove-item (item-manager)
  "item remove from list"
  (setf (item-list item-manager) 
	(delete-if #'(lambda (item) (= (state item) 0)) (item-list item-manager))))

;; Step8 <Hit Item>
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
(defvar *itemget-flag* nil)

(defgeneric Hit-item-p (item-manager balloon-manager score ship))
(defmethod Hit-item-p (item-manager balloon-manager score ship)
  (when (/= (state ship) 2)                                                            
    (dolist (item (item-list item-manager))
      (when(and (> (+ (x ship) 32) (x item))
                (< (x ship) (+ (x item) 32))
                (> (+ (y ship) 32) (y item))
                (< (y ship) (+ (y item) 32)))
          (setf (state item) 0)                    ; item is disappered
          (when (eql *itemget-flag* nil)
            (setf *itemget-flag* t))  
          (when (= (id item) 17)
            (if (< (balloon-cnt balloon-manager) 2)
              (incf (balloon-cnt balloon-manager) 1)
              (incf (score score) 500)))
          (when (= (id item) 18)
            (incf (n-bomb score) 1))
          (setf *itemget-flag* nil)))))

;; step8 <Draw Item>
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defgeneric Draw-item (item-manager))
(defmethod Draw-item (item-manager)
  (dolist (item (item-list item-manager))
    (Draw item)))


(define-class balloon-manager ()
  (balloon-list balloon-cnt) nil)
; balloon-list    list of balloon       
; balloon-cnt     max 2 balloon   

(define-class item-manager ()
  (item-list item-flag) nil)
 ; item-list  list of item
 ; item-flag  item get flag


;; step1 <Game Frame>
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun Common-abogadro ()
  "main routine"
  (sdl:with-init (sdl:sdl-init-video sdl:sdl-init-audio) ; use video and audio
    (sdl:window 640 480 :position 'center                ; size 640*480, position center
                      ; :position #(192 50)              ;               position x(192) y(50)
                        :title-caption "ABOGADRO"
                        :icon-caption  "ABOGADRO"  
                        :flags '(sdl:sdl-doublebuf sdl:sdl-sw-surface))

    ; <Initialize>
      (Initialize)                                       ; graphics initialize

    ; <Set Font>
      (Set-font)                                         ; set font 

    ; <Set Charactor Object>
      (let((ship (make-instance         'entity :id 0 :x 304 :y 416 :width 32 :height 32 :dx 4 :dy 4 :state 1))
           (keystate (make-instance     'keystate))         
           (game-field (make-instance   'game-field :field-x 160 :field-y 16 :width 480 :height 464))
           (stage (make-instance        'stage :stage-number (or nil 0) :title-loop t)) 
           (character (make-instance    'object :id 19 :y 100))
           (pointer (make-instance      'object :x 208 :y 328))
           (score (make-instance        'score  :highscore 50000 :oneup 50000 :n-ship 3 :n-bomb 3))           
           (score-ship (make-instance   'object :id 5 :x 160 :y 48))
           (score-bomb (make-instance   'object :id 6 :x 160 :y 448))
           (shot-manager (make-instance 'shot-manager))
           (enemy-manager (make-instance 'enemy-manager))
           (balloon-manager (make-instance 'balloon-manager :balloon-cnt (or nil 0)))
           (item-manager (make-instance 'item-manager)))

      (sdl:with-events (:poll)
        (:quit-event ()
          (setf *screen-mode* 1
                *switch* nil)
          (Reset-variables stage enemy-manager balloon-manager score) 

      ; <Update Key State> 
        (:key-down-event (:key key)
          (if (sdl:key= key :SDL-KEY-ESCAPE)
	  (Update-keystate key t keystate)))
        (:key-up-event (:key key)
          (Update-keystate key nil keystate)
          (setf (id ship) 0))                            ; set ship id 0 (normal form)  

        (:idle ()
        ;<Title Loop> 
	  (when (eql (title-loop stage) t)               ; title loop
            (sdl:clear-display sdl:*black*)
            (Game-start-message pointer character stage keystate))                   

        ; <Game Loop> 
          (when (eql (title-loop stage) nil)             ; game loop

          ; <Set Screen Mode> 
          ; <Clear Display>                  
            (sdl:clear-display sdl:*black*)
          ; <Show Message>
            (Stage-start-message stage)
          ; <Draw Map>
            (Scroll-background *atlas*)          
          ; <Move Ship> 
	    (Move-ship ship keystate)
          ; <Fix Ship Position>
	    (Fix-ship-position ship game-field)       
          ; <Shot :Move Set Draw Delete> 
            (Move-shot shot-manager)       
	    (Set-shot shot-manager ship keystate balloon-manager)
            (when (= (state ship) 1)
              (Draw ship))                                ; draw ship
            (Draw-shot shot-manager)
            (Remove-dead-shot shot-manager)
          ; <Enemy :Move Generate Draw Remove>
            (Move-enemy enemy-manager game-field)
            (Generate-enemy-item *enemymap* enemy-manager item-manager)
            (Draw-enemy enemy-manager)
            (Remove-enemy enemy-manager)
          ; <Balloon :Move Set Draw>
            (Move-balloon balloon-manager ship)
            (Generate-balloon balloon-manager ship)
            (Draw-balloon balloon-manager ship)
          ; <Item : Move Draw Remove Hit>
	    (Move-item item-manager game-field)
            (Draw-item item-manager)
	    (Remove-item item-manager)
            (hit-item-p item-manager balloon-manager score ship)
          ; <Upper and Lower Window Mask>
          ; <Draw Score Panel>
            (Score-panel score score-ship score-bomb)
          ; <Set Map Pinter> 
            (Set-map-pointer)                             ; set map draw point
          ; <Judge Stage End>
            (Judge-stage-end stage enemy-manager score balloon-manager) 

